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Line Sequence Training


​​Stop training individuals and start training your team! Mold your hattrick team into your personal playing style over the long term, with a plan to train the players you need rather than to buy them. Want to win? This is the way.

In sports there are different ways to substitute players. In soccer, baseball, and basketball substitution is often one at a time at irregular intervals, while in hockey a number of players are all changed in and out of the game at the same time. Many teams in hattrick train players the same way substitutions are handled in soccer, exchanging one player at a time. Selling a fully trained player and buying a new prospect to train. There is nothing wrong with this method, but this article will propose a different arrangement.

Line sequence training involves training players as a group rather than as individuals. It also entails using a known training sequence which maximizes that players contribution. I’ll use my own team as an example of a training sequence, but there are many other examples a few of which I’ll list at the end. Thought should be given to the “line” or group of players. This method works best when all the players being trained are of the same age. Unlike real life, hattrick training speed is only dependent on the age of the player being trained (the teams stamina level) and the training selected. So if you keep the players in each “line” or group approximately the same age. They will train at the same speed and this will eliminate over training one player or under training another.

So gather up 2-10 players who are the same age (17.10) and let’s diagram the training plan.

Collect 2 goalkeeping prospects with solid GK skill and 17.10 age. This is your first line. Two guys. Train them to some reasonable (or not) skill level, around age 20 (3 seasons) they will reach ET/Mythical skill level. Before we switch training from Keeper to Set Pieces training ( a good secondary skill for keepers) we buy 8 defensive prospects age 17.0 to 17.50 with solid or better defensive skill. Our second line. A season later we have two goalkeepers with ET/ET in keeper/set pieces and 8 defenders with SN/TT set piece skill (recall that SP training for Keepers is faster than for field players) and solid defending. Now switch to defending as your training and train all 10 players. In 3 or 4 more seasons you have a truly dominate defensive team and can move in any number of directions. Train winger on your best defenders and make dominate WB’s or train passing on the second line and buy players for a third line that can be trained in either scoring or midfield or train playmaking to make offensive central defenders. The possibilities really are endless.

The most recent changes to the hattrick system improve performance for players that have been on your team the longest. Therefore, keeping players in your system for a long time is a smart move. With Line sequence training, you keep the players you trained and those players should have very good skill sets. When you move past training that can improve your Keeper, he stays on your team and continues to add to your results. Several sequences of training can be proposed.

Envision a scenario where you start with 6-10 Playmaking prospects who are young. (~17.10). Train them in Playmaking for 4 seasons and they will be around 21 and have Titanic+ Playmaking skills. Most teams would sell at this point, but we will keep them. Now purchase 6 scorning trainees (solid Scoring and Inadequate passing). Let’s call this group line 2, but instead of training Scoring, train passing for 2.5 (or 3) seasons. Your original midfielders are now 23yr Titanic(15)+/Magnificent(12) in scoring/passing. Your 6 Scoring trainees (line 2) are World Class (13+) in passing. At this point you switch your training to Scoring and train line 2. Your 19 yr olds will make it to ET+ scoring around Age 24.50 (5 seasons) and then you will have a team that can put up very good Midfield strength and dominate Attack numbers in a 2-5-3 formation with AIM to focus the attacks where you want them to go. Furthermore you can add midfield with the defensive Forward order if needed. You will have the longevity bonus and if you managed to train any homegrown prospects you’ll add that to the stack as well. This is a team that looks to be dominate until the players on it die from old age. Of course you simply cycle back to training midfield (on new or old prospects) at that point.

The trick is to create a sequence that you personally would enjoy training and then to keep as many players as possible in each line as you move to the new training regime. Patience and planning is rewarded. Good Luck.

Other possible sequences:

Playmaking->Winger->Scoring->Passing: Creating a dominate Midfield, then dominate Side attack ratings and finally big central attack ratings.

Playmaking->Winger->Defending->Passing: in a 5-5-0 with wing attacks would be deadly.

Scoring->Passing->Midfield: Simply starts the above example at a different part of the sequence.

Defending->Passing->Scoring: A counter attack team.

Escrito por kensail (4578140) a 07-11-2011.

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